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Sunday 14 June 2015

what products does #sefie have to offer?

#selfie as a brand are the team that has conceptualized, tested and revolutionized "Banting" in south Africa and have an array of products available to the consumer as well as to the wholesale market

#selfie also provides the raw materials such as the Almond flour etc to bakeries looking to diversify their range of breads.

The  #selfie brand product range is as follows :
#selfie "Banting" seeded loaf
#selfie "Banting" luxury brownie mix
#selfie "Banting" sweetener

#selfie Glyco-nutrient capsules
#selfie appetite control
#selfie weight management

All of the #selfie caps are F.D.A approved and contain full instructions on how to maintain a healthy life style while still eating good tasty, nutritional food

We also have another range of products that we are bringing out soon so keep your self up to date by joining our mailing list.

1 comment:

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